Monday, December 7, 2009

the mysterious eyes

, after the school my bus drove me 2 yards far from my house.oh!! it was totally annoying but what to do? there was a GIANT dig over the path  so, the bus can't proceed anymore further and with my frail face and my back aching with the heavy bag with loads of books.... i moved down the bus..... was a hot sunny Saturday noon, i took out my kerchief' from the pocket of my blue blazer... and watched my bus dissapearing....behind those dark,wild trees. Softly i cleaned my sweated forehead...and moved further.....the path was totally person not even a single man can be seen that BLACK Saturday afternoon....
.....i was walking HAVING just A one thought in my mind that something was very strange that i cannot conclude...         then
. i moved little bit further......hoping to reach my Mom faster..... 

I SAW ONE WOMEN WITH LOOSENED HAIRS ON ONE OF THE YARD'S BUILDING........CLOSING HER BLACK WINDOW AND HER silver eyes were staring me....;,until she closed her window completely.... almost dissapearing......

tap....tap.and tapped.....someone was following.....i turned my poor head backward was nothing but a black CAT with SILVER EYES staring me..........I was sweating more than I EVER.did ...and i fastened my steps....and prayed god for my safe home landing.........moving little bit more further ..... wait!!!

GOSH!! WHAT WAS THAT?? again i turned backward and oh!! i shooked my head.... it was nothing but a big bannana leaf which felled down form the huge bannana tree blocking the path..........i again fastened my steps........and watched my wrist was almost 2:15 at the noon and i was late..Normally i use to reach my home before 2:00pm but today......ah!!!!!
 I my home was just 1 yard further.........

while walking steadily with my arms tightened against my bag's strips and my straight face but eyes staring those dirty poster's on those dirty bare walls of that yard........the POSTER'S  said wanted and another again wanted and wanted........but what's that it was the very strange poster of a very strange man in his early 30s with bald head and beared....AND--- AND OH GOD!! his VERY HORRIBLE STRANGE SILVER EYES........i almost fainted..... my heart was beating fast i could read the poster [THIS IS A STRANGE MAN WHO CHANGES.............h......] OH! i haven't read anymore further!!! .....and i couldn't walk further.......oh!!!!! 
 I GOT FAINTED............................!!!!!!

[ hey friends the above story was my imagination and nothing else......i will continue this story of the 'mysterious eyes' further in my next post..till then happy reading and please leave your valuable comments below,AND I WANT YOU TO READ THE ABOVE STORY AGAIN,SILENTLY,WITH A SOFT WHISPER AND ALONE]
